Gas Power Plant Manufacturers welcome European Parliament vote on the Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act
06 July 2022
It is with reassurance that EUGINE and EUTurbines see the European Parliament voting favourably on the Commission’s Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act (CDA) today. With this vote, investments in gas power plants and their operation are now, under strict conditions, included in the list of economic activities covered by the EU taxonomy.
“We are glad to see the European Parliament recognizing that gas power plants are important for the future energy system and can transition to renewable gases in line with the targets of REPowerEU and the climate targets of the EU” says Ralf Wezel, the Secretary General at EUGINE and EUTurbines.
The Taxonomy CDA creates a challenging but suitable framework for investments in firm capacity, that is, low-carbon power plants and technologies that can cover supply in times of low renewable output. Flexible hydrogen-ready plants are crucial enablers for the energy transition. It is foreseen that with time, gas power plants switch to renewable fuels, becoming as clean as any other sustainable technology.
The rigorous criteria of the taxonomy CDA ensure that gas power plants will decarbonise their operation and are not to compete with renewables, but rather to serve as a complementary solution, maintaining an essential insurance mechanism for a reliable electricity and heat system.
This voting result is a matter of supporting investments ensuring the security of energy supply in Europe, and we stand ready to contribute to it.
Read more on why the taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act (CDA) is needed.